

YAML Files

YAML files located in config/ configure the application and all of it's dependencies as a service. The filename matches the application's environment name (e.g. config/console.yml). The configuration can additionally be modified for sub environments such as local or production by providing a matching config file like config/console.local.yml (see app.sub_environment parameter). These files are in the same well documented format you might know from Symfony:

    app.name: 'My App'
    app.version: '1.0'

        class: Doctrine\DBAL\Migrations\Tools\Console\Command\MigrateCommand

        class: Symfony\Component\Console\Application
        public: true
        arguments: [%app.name%, %app.version%]
            - [ add, [ "@doctrine.migrations.migrate" ] ]

This provides a uniform approach for bootstrapping Web applications like Silex\Application, Symlex\Application\Web or command-line applications like Symfony\Component\Console\Application using the same kernel. The result is much cleaner and leaner than the usual bootstrap and configuration madness you know from many frameworks.


The kernel sets a number of default parameters that can be used for configuring services. The default values can be changed via setter methods of the kernel or overwritten/extended by container config files and environment variables (e.g. url: '%env(DATABASE_URL)%').

Parameter Getter method Setter method Default value
app.name getName() setName() 'Kernel'
app.version getVersion() setVersion() '1.0'
app.environment getEnvironment() setEnvironment() 'app'
app.sub_environment getSubEnvironment() setSubEnvironment() 'local'
app.debug isDebug() setDebug() false
app.charset getCharset() setCharset() 'UTF-8'
app.path getAppPath() setAppPath() './'
app.config_path getConfigPath() setConfigPath() './config'
app.base_path getBasePath() setBasePath() '../'
app.storage_path getStoragePath() setStoragePath() '../storage'
app.log_path getLogPath() setLogPath() '../storage/log'
app.cache_path getCachePath() setCachePath() '../storage/cache'
app.src_path getSrcPath() setSrcPath() '../src'


The kernel base class can be extended to customize it for a specific purpose such as long running console applications:


use DIMicroKernel\Kernel;

class ConsoleApp extends Kernel
    public function __construct($appPath, $debug = false)
        parent::__construct('console', $appPath, $debug);

    public function setUp()
        ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');


If debug mode is turned off, the service container configuration is cached by the kernel in the directory set as cache path. You have to delete all cache files after updating the configuration. To disable caching completely, add container.cache: false to your configuration parameters:

    container.cache: false